All The Tools You Need To Prepare for the RICA

In addition to joining RICA Prep 101's online course, there are a few resources you should invest in.  I've seen what's out there, and these are the 'must have' resources that pair perfectly with the course. **Affiliate Links**

Awesome & well organized content

Zarrillo has filled this resource with content relevant to both  the multiple choice and the written responses.  The only down side? It does NOT include a practice exam.  Still highly recommended.

Practice tests and full case studies

This is a terrific resource that includes 2 full practice exams with complete case studies.  The questions are complex and mimic actual questions from the exam.  Highly recommended.

The NRPR - Free Resource

This free resource is critical to your preparations.  The NRPR was the foundational document that the RICA was based on.  This is a short summary that is teacher friendly and imperative to read.  Highly recommended.

Providing Reading interventions for Students in Grades 4-9 (Great for Subtest 2)

This  practice guide provides four evidence-based  recommendations that teachers can use to deliver reading  interventions to meet the needs of their students.

Watch the webinar here.

Check out my favorite teacher products!

Are you curious about what I use in my classroom, home office, and beyond?  Visit my Amazon Storefront.

Affiliate links

Put Reading First Report (2006) FREE RESOURCE (great for Subtest 1)

This report is especially user friendly and helpful in navigating the needs of K-2 students.  It provides practical tips and strategies that will help you prepare for the RICA.

Download the Report Now


There have been a lot of changes to the RICA format this summer.  Click the link to visit the CTC website for the most recent information

Visit the site


We have a wonderful and very active group on Facebook that you are welcome to join for additional support.  Be warned... you need to answer ALL of the membership questions to get past the gate keepers.

I'd love to join!

"You may not be able to control the outcome, but you can control the effort."


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